Private Sessions

Personal one-to-one consultations via Zoom. US$70/hour.

I offer an opportunity to orient around the frequency of self-empowerment, sovereign consciousness, and abundance mindset that I currently embody. I offer my reflections and pointers on themes that are important to you. According to what unfolds, let’s explore what’s possible for you!

1 hour Zoom call – US$70

Join me in the possibility

I lived a very long time in the paradigm of victim consciousness. You could say I’m an expert! For decades, I looked almost exclusively outside of myself and outside of this NOW moment for answers, creating drama, making my own problems. Blaming others, blaming myself, blaming life, wishing I could magically change the past and worrying about the future. Sound familiar? Maybe you are an expert too?!

But the truth is that what you truly are is already whole and complete, and needs no fixing. A problem needs a solution, and a solution needs a problem. It’s a trap of the mind that has no end. Until you see it for what it is and decide to end it. And maybe you don’t need to spend 30 years coming to the same obvious conclusion that I did!

This doesn’t mean that on the level of our human experience there are no more challenges. It simply means that if we take as our starting point our inherent wholeness instead of a belief in lack – trying to improve ourselves and be worthy – the ‘healing’ seems to do itself naturally:  ‘God’ or ‘the Universe’ takes care of the rest. This has been my experience. And working with me, this is the basic assumption we start from.

So are you tired of playing small and ready to live your epic life? Take the first step, book an introductory conversation with me, and let’s see where we go from there.

1-to-1 session with me (1 hour – US$70)