Ayahuasca Ceremonies

I guide you one-on-one or in small groups to experience the medicine and ancient energy technology of the Shipibos safely and directly.

I offer Ayahuasca ceremonies, typically (though not always) in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Peru, where Ayahuasca is a protected sacrament, not a banned substance. This could be 1-on-1 or in a small group, depending on current demand. Notwithstanding, I do not work with more than 4 people at a time. If you wish to have individual attention, you can book a guaranteed 1-on-1 ceremony at a slightly higher price.

– Individual ceremony (one-on-one) – $US225 
– Group ceremony (max. 4 people) – $US150 per person

How to apply

This offer is subject to a free 30-minute Zoom call through which I will determine if it is suitable, beneficial and safe for us to work together.  I ask applicants to respect my time and their own. If this free appointment is missed, I charge $70/hour for my time. If appointments cannot be met due to legitimate unforeseen circumstances, and you let me know in advance, it may be possible to reschedule at no extra cost. Advance payment is required for all services offered, and non-refundable. 

What To Expect

In the days before we meet, I will give you instructions on how to prepare yourself for ceremony. Directly before the ceremony, which takes place overnight, I will also give a brief orientation to the lineage of my master Don Pedro Sinuiri, whose medicine I carry, and relevant information on how we will maintain a safe and comfortable space during the night.

Not all medicine traditions are the same. And even within the Shipibo tradition, each lineage has its own unique form and flavour. So if you are experienced with other Ayahuasca traditions or lineages other than that of my master (even within the Shipibo tradition), I ask you to let go of your assumptions and expectations based on previous experience and follow the instructions I give for the duration of the ceremony, both for your safety and for your understanding.

For the duration of the ceremony (typically 4-5 hours), I create a safe energetic space, and guide my medicine to clean and heal using ikaros. These songs are the ancient technology of the Shipibos to clean and release crossed, dense energies from the bodies and minds of participants, and restore harmony. They are not songs which you can copy from YouTube! These are the songs that spontaneously arise from my practice and are the result of many years of dieta where I received transmission from the plants themselves.

I will also provide instructions for you to benefit from the power of the medicine in the days following the ceremony.

This offer does not include further consultation. In this offer, the energy exchange closes at midday after the ceremony. If further integration support is desired, this would be in the form of consultancy by agreement at my usual rate of US$70 per hour.

I take payment in advance only. The moment you pay, you and I are invested in a shared energy field.

Important Information

There are certain safety conditions that must be met for us to drink Ayahuasca together. It is essential that the participant is not taking drugs or strong prescription medications at the time of drinking. Successful applicants will receive an Ayahuasca Safety Guide in advance. Please take this VERY seriously. Taking certain substances at the same time as Ayahuasca can be fatal, and puts both parties at risk. If you are taking one of the contra-indicated substances, it is still possible to drink with me, but there will need to be a safe period of time when use is discontinued before the ceremony. For the same reason, I will require all participants to complete a Waiver Form disclosing any relevant mental or physical health information. All information given is treated in strict confidence.

And if you’ve made it this far, here’s the basic offer again: 

– Individual ceremony (one-on-one) – $US225 
– Group ceremony (max. 4 people) – $US150 per person